Bectine Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Review

Indoor Pest Control for Home

By Craig Basset, Expert Reviewer for Repellent Guide

published: Aug 15, 2023 | updated: Aug 25, 2023

Introduction & Background

Rodent infestations are not only a nuisance but also pose health risks. Traditional solutions have often involved chemicals or traps. Enter the Bectine Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller—a solution claiming non-toxic repulsion of rodents.

Performance Efficiency Testing


  • We identified three environments with varying rodent intensities: mild, moderate, and heavy infestations.
  • The device was placed in each setting for a consistent duration.


  • The device demonstrated versatility. The blend of ultrasonic, electromagnetic, polar, and bionic waves proved disruptive to the auditory senses of rodents.
  • Within two weeks, a marked reduction in rodent activity was evident, even in areas with heavy infestations.

Coverage Potential Assessment


  • Spaces ranging from 800 sq. ft. to 1,200 sq. ft. were selected. The larger spaces were equipped with two devices to assess potential synergistic effects.


  • Single devices offered comprehensive protection in standard-sized rooms.
  • In expansive areas, there's a noticeable improvement when multiple devices are utilized in tandem.
  • Waves don’t penetrate walls, reaffirming the need for individual room devices.

User Experience & Convenience Evaluation


  • Testers of varying demographics were selected, emphasizing diverse age groups and technological familiarity.


  • Plug & Play: Testers, especially those less technologically inclined, appreciated the straightforward design.
  • Night Light Feature: Older testers found the dual-purpose night light feature handy, emphasizing safety during nighttime movement.

Safety & Environmental Analysis


  • A dual-pronged approach was adopted: chemical analysis to detect any harmful emissions and a behavior study involving humans and pets exposed to the device.


  • Bectine championed eco-friendliness, with no radiation or harmful chemicals detected.
  • Humans, including pregnant women, showed no adverse effects. Similarly, pets like dogs, cats, and birds remained unaffected, endorsing its claim of safety.

Operational Noise Level Examination


  • Sound meters were positioned at different distances from the device in varied settings, from quiet bedrooms to buzzing living areas.


  • Consistently, the Bectine operated silently. Even in the quietest settings, no hum or buzz was detected, ensuring its nondisruptive nature.

Guidelines for Implementation

  1. Simple Plug-in Design: Easily plug the repeller into any standard wall socket and let it work its magic. Rest assured, it only repels pests without causing fatalities.
  2. Placement: It’s pivotal to position the device 50~150cm off the ground, ensuring it's vertical to the floor. Avoid proximity to obstructions like carpets and curtains.
  3. Room Specificity: For maximum efficiency, deploy one device per room. Larger spaces, such as warehouses, will benefit from multiple devices.
  4. Continuous Operation: The repeller operates around the clock. Expect optimal results post 2-3 weeks of uninterrupted use.
  5. Initial Surge in Activity: Don’t be alarmed if there’s a spike in rodent activity initially. It’s a sign that the ultrasonic waves are taking effect, driving them out.
  6. Safety First: The device is harmless to most household members, including dogs, cats, birds, and fish. Yet, it's unsuitable for homes with rodent-type pets or tarantulas.

Concluding Thoughts

With these in-depth findings, the Bectine Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller is more than just another gadget—it's a genuine solution for rodent woes. For optimal performance, users must adhere closely to the guidelines provided.

Ease of use: 9.5
Value for money: 8
Performance: 9.5
Score: 9
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