Best Flea Repellents
Protect family and pets

By Craig Basset, Expert Reviewer for Repellent Guide
published: Aug 01, 2017 | updated: Aug 01, 2017
Fleas on cats and dogs are extremely common but there are many solutions in the form of collars, drops, shampoos and tablets. While fleas are not usually a problem for humans, animals will often carry fleas on their skin and can pass them onto humans through direct contact or through surfaces such as bedding, couches, rugs and other places that fleas like to nest. Often times a repellent will deter fleas from nesting or collecting in large numbers in a certain area, however there are many types for all different species and certain repellents may not be effective on different strains of fleas. Consult specialist cat flea treatment and dog flea treatment websites for expert safe treatment of fleas on your pets.
Citronella is a substance derived from a combination of cultivated grasses and can come in many forms such as lotions, oils, candles and powders. The lemony scent is generally a repellent for insects and ticks and can be worn as a type of flea collar on pets. Citronella is not considered to be as effective for repelling biting insects as are other types of animal collars that use more potent chemicals. When using a citronella collar to prevent unwanted ticks and fleas, it may be best to combine it with other forms of prevention such as baths and powders designed for the same purpose.
Fleas can pose a problem not only to humans and their pets, but also in garden areas. Some flea repellents that use the power of heavy chemical can threaten plant life, reduce their productivity or pass chemicals onto humans, so an organic, natural or chemical-free flea repellent is best for use in gardens. Non-chemical flea repellents often come in the form of granules that can be spread over dirt, mulch and other soils to prevent fleas from nesting or destroying plant life. Because non-chemical flea repellent methods are not usually as strong as other chemical versions, they will have to be reapplied to the area frequently, every few weeks during flea seasons.
When heading outdoors, there are certain types of flea repellents that can be used in spray form on humans and animals alike. Sprays are not usually harmful to the skin and are generally environmentally friendly. A flea repellent spray may be a good idea to keep on-hand in case there is going to be short-term exposure outdoors in an area where fleas generally inhabit. One drawback is the strong odor, designed to repel fleas, which may also cause a sensitivity issue in humans.
Home Spray
Home Spray