Best Snake Repellents

By Simon Lockwood, Expert Reviewer for Repellent Guide
published: May 05, 2018 | updated: Jul 08, 2018
Snakes are not typically associated with infestation, as much as roaches or rodents are, however, they can at times pose a problem to areas that humans frequent, such as gardens, barns and garages or areas under the house. Keeping snakes away from the home and other areas inhabited by humans, such as campsites, is important for many reasons, but the most important may be the potential for bites, especially from a poisonous snake, which may be fatal.
There is not necessarily cause for potent chemically repellents to rid yourself or your home of a snake problem. In fact, most of the more effective methods are naturally-based and work by actually repelling the snake rather than killing them. This may be important to those who care about the environment and are loathe to harm any snakes or other creatures. One benefit of natural methods is that they are also not typically harmful to humans.
Granules and liquid sprays used on grass areas can be effective - but need re-applying every month or after heavy rain.
Vibration repeller
Special vibrating spikes in the ground can ward off snakes. The vibrations disturb the snake enough to make it look for another place to hang out.
An example of an organic or natural snake repellent would be products that temporarily attacks and shuts down a snake's sensory receptors. As most snakes do not see well, but rather rely on their other senses to get around, temporarily blocking them will send the snake into an immediate panic and retreat from an area. Generally, a snake will remember this and not return to the place where the sensory assault took place.
This type of method has been widely used and is considered to be extremely effective on many types of snakes, both poisonous and non-poisonous. The active ingredient in this type of snake repellent is called Naphthalene. Naphthalene has been shown to have a low incidence of side-effects; however, users should be away that they are present, as this chemical is a potential carcinogen.
Most snakes can be repelled from certain areas by preventative measures. Blocking any holes around the outside of the house that may give access to snakes who may enter through cracks in the foundation or other low-ground holes. Also, keeping an area open, rather than under heavy cover can help discourage snakes from nesting in a certain places as they like to make their homes in the dark and keep food tightly stored.
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