Guard Alaska Bear Repellent Spray

By Craig Basset, Expert Reviewer for Repellent Guide

published: Mar 15, 2017 | updated: Aug 25, 2023

The charm of nature is its unpredictability. However, with unpredictability comes a need for safety, especially in the dense woods of places like the Glacier National Park. On my recent trip there, my companions and I wanted to focus on the beauty around us without the lingering anxiety of unexpected wild encounters. Enter the Mace Brand 'Guard Alaska' Bear Spray.

I remember the day I bought it. The "six years of intensive testing in the Alaska wilds" tagline immediately caught my eye. If there's anywhere you'd want a bear spray tested, it's Alaska. The 1.34% total capsaicinoid pepper formula and its 15-20 feet firing range further bolstered my confidence. I felt like I was equipping myself with a tool forged in the most challenging environments.

One of the features I particularly appreciate is the fogger delivery system. While, thankfully, we never had to use it on our trip, knowing that it would create an engulfing barrier in front of a potentially aggressive bear (or any other wildlife, for that matter) provided an immeasurable peace of mind. The rapid release, dispensing all 9 ounces in just 9 seconds, assured us of swift protection if ever the need arose.

Our trip to Glacier National Park was filled with breathtaking vistas, fresh air, and the occasional thrill of spotting wildlife from a safe distance. While we were fortunate enough not to have any close encounters with grizzlies or other large game, the 'Guard Alaska' was like an invisible shield, a silent guardian on our journey.

Convenience is also a part of its design. Its compact size allowed for easy storage on the side of my backpack. At times, I clipped it onto my side, making it readily accessible if needed.

While enjoying the beauty of nature, it's essential to remember that we are visitors in the habitat of these magnificent creatures. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment that this product is not an excuse to make rash decisions but rather an added layer of security. To all fellow adventurers, while the wilderness calls to us with its allure, we must respect its inhabitants and be prepared for the unexpected. The Mace Brand 'Guard Alaska' Bear Spray is a testament to this preparedness, and I wouldn't set foot in bear country without it. Safe travels!

Ease of use: 7
Value for money: 9
Performance: 9
Score: 8.3
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