Best Natural Rabbit Repellents

Protect Your Garden Organically

By Sigmund Daughty, Expert Reviewer for Repellent Guide

published: Aug 21, 2023 | updated: Aug 21, 2023

Why Choose Natural Repellents?

Using natural repellents aligns with sustainable gardening practices, preserving the integrity of your garden's ecosystem. Artificial repellents can introduce harmful substances into the soil that disrupt its microbiome and impact the health of your plants, local wildlife, and even the water supply. In contrast, natural repellents tend to be biodegradable and non-toxic, creating a safer environment for all inhabitants of your garden.

1. Plants Rabbits Dislike

Certain plants naturally repel rabbits due to their scent, taste, or texture. When designing your garden, consider bordering it with these rabbit-resistant plants. A diverse selection can create a natural barrier that not only protects your garden but also adds to its aesthetic appeal. Some rabbits may adapt to these plants over time, so it’s important to keep observing their behavior and introducing new deterrents if necessary.

2. Garlic and Chili Spray

Rabbits are highly sensitive to strong smells and tastes. A homemade spray made from garlic and chili can act as an effective deterrent. Spray it generously on the foliage of plants, especially those that rabbits favor. Be sure to reapply the spray after heavy rain. While this mixture is safe for most plants, it's always wise to test it on a small area first to ensure it doesn't damage delicate leaves.

3. Egg-Based Repellents

Eggs are an effective, albeit smelly, solution. When sprayed around the garden, the scent of eggs imitates the presence of predators, scaring off rabbits. Egg-based repellents also have the added advantage of adding proteins to the soil, which can help improve its structure and fertility. Remember to regularly reapply the mixture, especially after rain, to maintain its effectiveness.

4. Vinegar Spray

Vinegar, with its strong and sour smell, can be a powerful deterrent for rabbits. While it's an effective repellent, vinegar can harm plant tissues and alter the pH of the soil if used undiluted. Always dilute the vinegar with water and avoid direct contact with plants. Use it to create a perimeter around the garden or specific areas rabbits frequent.

5. Blood Meal

Blood meal serves two purposes. The smell deters rabbits, and as a high-nitrogen fertilizer, it nourishes your plants. However, apply it sparingly as excess nitrogen can 'burn' your plants or throw off the nutrient balance of the soil. It's also worth noting that blood meal can attract certain types of insects or other wildlife, so monitor its use carefully.

6. Human Hair

The use of human hair capitalizes on rabbits' innate fear of humans. Placing hair around the garden signals to the rabbits that humans are near, discouraging them from entering. Besides, as hair decomposes, it can also contribute nutrients to the soil. Rotate or replace the hair periodically as its smell weakens over time or after heavy rain.

7. Essential Oils

Essential oils can make your garden smell delightful to humans but disagreeable to rabbits. A variety of oils can work, so feel free to experiment and see which ones are most effective in your garden. Ensure to dilute the oils appropriately, and avoid direct contact with plants, as concentrated oils can harm them.


Protecting your garden from rabbits doesn't require harsh chemicals or harmful practices. By implementing these natural rabbit repellents, you can maintain a vibrant, thriving garden while coexisting peacefully with your local wildlife. It may take some trial and error, but the reward is a sustainable, eco-friendly, and rabbit-resistant garden. Don't forget to share your beautiful, rabbit-free garden with us!

Remember, a successful garden is one where all creatures, including us, live in harmony. Happy gardening!

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