Best Rabbit Repellents

By Sigmund Daughty, Expert Reviewer for Repellent Guide
published: Aug 01, 2017 | updated: Aug 01, 2017
Rabbits can make great domesticated pets and are to be very docile and good-natured. However, wild rabbits are also very curious and love to chew on plants and trees as well as digging numerous holes. This can present a major problem in and around the home, especially in garden areas where there is an abundant supply of foods that they love.
Signs of rabbits
Plant destruction
Rabbits will often get into a garden and feed on vegetables, plant life or anything else that is edible and close to the ground.
Tree Damage
Rabbits are also known to destroy trees by chewing the bark off at ground level.
Lawn Damage
Rabbits are also notorious for digging holes and breeding rapidly. After a time, a rabbit population can get out of control and you will need to explore your options for rabbit repellent to rid yourself of the problem.
In suburban or rural areas, there is a good chance that a rabbit population will not soar out of control, as there are a plentiful supply of predators to keep the number down, such as dogs, coyotes and even people; however in urban areas, where rabbits are also know to dwell, the predators are fewer and the rabbit population numbers less controlled.
Because deer and other animals may also feed on gardens and local plant life, be sure that your problem definitely stems from rabbits. One way to tell is by the identification of the droppings, which are usually everywhere in an area they have entered.
Rabbit Deterrents
Putting a fence around any areas you want rabbits to stay away from is not considered to be a very effective rabbit repellent as rabbits are diggers and will most likely dig deep enough to go under any fencing.
Electric Fences
Electric fences are generally more of a warning to the rabbits that they are not welcome.
Scent Repellents
It is possible to use scented products that will repel rabbits by making the foods they love very unpleasant to smell or eat.
As a last resort you could try trapping rabbits and releasing them else where.
The point of using a rabbit repellent of this nature is to disrupt the feeding patterns of the rabbit and to force them to go elsewhere in search of food. Once a rabbit has found an ideal place to eat, it is hard to discourage them from returning, so making the food inedible for them should work, however be sure to keep up with the applications of the rabbit repellent long enough to really make sure they get the message.